Vitamin P Flavonoids What does it do?


Bioflavonoids: Your Health's Heroes

A bioflavonoid, also known as flavonoid, is a type of plant-derived compound that is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. These compounds are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which provide a range of health benefits. Bioflavonoids are often found in close association with vitamin C in nature, and they play an important role in optimizing the absorption and utilization of this vitamin in the body. Bioflavonoids are also believed to help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce inflammation and swelling, and improve circulation. There are many different types of bioflavonoids, each with unique health benefits. 

Other types of flavonoids, such as catechins and epicatechins, are found in tea and cocoa. There is evidence to suggest that including these foods in your diet can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as improve cognitive function and protect against age-related cognitive decline.

Why is Flavonoids is essential for our body?
VItamin C, Ascorbic Acid, q10
Anti oxidant
 Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage our cells and contribute to various diseases, ranging from cancer to cardiovascular diseases. Bioflavonoids act as antioxidants that neutralize these free radicals, thereby protecting our cells and preventing damage.
q10, Vitamin B5, calciferol, vitamin d, tocopherol, vitamin k, potassium, phosphates
Heart Health
Studies have shown that higher flavonoid intake is associated with a lower risk of developing a range of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack, stroke, and hypertension.
They are known for their ability to enhance heart health by reducing inflammation, improving endothelial function, and preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. These effects help to reduce the build-up of plaque in arteries, which can lead to heart disease and stroke. 
Vitamin B5, q10, coq10
Brain Health

Scientists have found that certain bioflavonoids can prevent the clumping of beta-amyloid proteins, which can form sticky plaques that interfere with brain function. Additionally, bioflavonoids can help improve blood flow to the brain, which can support cognitive health and function.

Vitamin B2

Bioflavonoids are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect the body against oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.

Hereditary high Cholesterol

 DNA damage is often caused by environmental factors such as UV radiation, smoking, and pollution. Bioflavonoids help prevent this damage from occurring and can also repair any existing damage. In addition, they stimulate enzymes that contribute to maintaining cell health and strengthening the immune system.

cholesterol levels, high cholesterol, q10
Treat athletic Injuries

Bioflavonoids are considered one of the most effective treatments for sports injuries. These plant-based nutrients can help reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and promote healing.

Lowered Immunity

Frequent colds or Infections, reflective of generally weakened immune function, can be a symptom of flavonoid deficiency. 

low red blood cells, q10, Vitamin b12, hiamine, Vitamin b3, niacin, ascorbic acid, vitamin c, cobalamin
Chronic Illness

Bioflavonoid deficiency has also been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.

Ascorbic acid, vitamin C
Bruising and bleeding

Conditions that reflect increased capillary permeability such as excessive bruising, swelling after injury, nose bleeds and hemorrhoids can also be a sign of inadequate dietary intake of flavonoids.

Vitamin B2

Flavonoid deficiency has been linked to increased inflammation in the body, which can contribute to a host of health problems.

q10, Vitamin B5, calciferol, vitamin d, tocopherol, vitamin k, potassium, phosphates
Heart Health

Symptoms of flavonoid deficiency are not well-defined, but research suggests that it may increase the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. 

To much niacin, diverticulitis, potassium

Extremely high levels of bioflavonoids can cause diarrhea. 

Needed to Utilization