What does Vitamin E Tocopherol do?

Vitamin E

The Power of Vitamin E: Protecting Cells, Slowing Aging, and Reducing Disease Risks

The primary function of Vitamin E is to help protect cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals; this reduces the risk of chronic disease and slows the aging process. Tocopherol is also known to promote proper blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and prevent blood clotting, thereby lowering the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Sources of include nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables, and fortified foods. While Vitamin E deficiency is rare, those who have dietary restrictions or malabsorption issues may require supplements. Excessive consumption of Vitamin E supplements can have adverse effects and lead to health complications. Therefore, it’s crucial to speak to a healthcare professional about the appropriate dosage and the best sources of vitamins to meet your daily requirements. Incorporating tocopherol into your daily diet and lifestyle is incredibly beneficial in keeping your body healthy and functioning correctly.

Why is vitamin E essential for our body?
q10, Vitamin B5, calciferol, vitamin d, tocopherol, vitamin k, potassium, phosphates
Cardiovascular Health

Essential in preserving our cardiovascular health. It maintains proper blood flow and prevents cholesterol from oxidizing and forming plaques that could clog the arteries and lead to heart disease. Vitamin E’s anti-inflammatory properties also help reduce inflammation that could cause cardiovascular risk factors like thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

q10, Vitamin D, Thiamine, Vitamin B1, Sodium, Calcium, tocopherol, potassium
Muscular System

Vitamin E reduces inflammation, soreness, and muscle damage, improving recovery time and allowing athletes to train more. It also protects against oxidative stress, decreasing fatigue and increasing endurance. It increases oxygen delivery to muscles, and enhances the immune system when used with other antioxidants like vitamin C, essential for athletes who push their bodies to the limit.


Vitamin E is required for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, as it helps to protect the gland from oxidative damage. Additionally, helps to regulate the production and utilization of thyroid hormones, which are necessary for the proper functioning of various organs and systems in the body.

Fibrocystic Disease

Fibrocystic disease in women causes breast lumps or cysts, uncomfortable and risk of breast cancer. Doctors often suggest taking vitamin E to alleviate pain. Tocopherol combats inflammation and oxidative stress, reducing free radicals that harm cells. It can regulate estrogen levels and prevent the formation of breast tissue cysts.

vitamin e, tocopherol< calcium, b6
Pre menstrual Syndrome

During the menstrual cycle, levels of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that cause cramps and other PMS symptoms, increase in the body. Vitamin E has been shown to reduce prostaglandin levels and therefore alleviate PMS symptoms.

Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, Vitamin A, Retinol, Calciferol, vitamin d, tocopherol

This nutrient is essential for the proper functioning of immune cells, including T-cells, B-cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. These cells work together to fight off harmful pathogens that can cause illness or disease. It helps maintain the integrity of cell membranes, preventing the entry of harmful bacteria or viruses.

Ascorbic acid , vitamin C, Vitamin A, Retinol, tocopherol

It can help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy cell growth. It also helps to reduce the appearance of scars and helps the skin to heal faster. Moreover, vitamin E can help to prevent infections by boosting the immune system’s ability to fight off harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Symptoms of Vitamin E deficiency
Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin B12, cobalamin, copper, tocopherol
Blood Cells

When Vitamin E in the body is low, the Red Blood Cells become fragile and are more prone to rupture, leading to anemia. Also a deficiency can impair the function of White Blood Cells, reducing their ability to fight infections and leaving the body more vulnerable to diseases.

Vitamin A, Retinol,tocopherol
Eye Damage

A deficiency can also have detrimental effects on the eyes. A lack of vitamin E can cause damage to the cells in the retina, leading to vision problems such as impaired night vision and blindness. It can also cause damage to the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to diabetic retinopathy, a condition that can cause blindness in people with diabetes.

Vitamin B7, Vitamin B5 Vitamin b12, Sodium, calcium, niacin, cobalamin, tocopherol
Nervous System

When the body has insufficient vitamin C, the nerve cells may not function properly, such as tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, muscle weakness, poor memory, and mood changes.
What’s more, it has also been linked to  increased risk of developing certain neurological conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Menstrual Cycle

Insufficient levels of this vitamin can lead to an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone hormones, resulting in irregular or missed periods. Additionally can cause painful menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding. Women who suffer from vitamin E deficiency may also experience difficulties in conceiving, as proper ovulation relies on proper hormone balance.


A deficiency can impact fertility by reducing the quality and quantity of both male and female gametes. In men, it can lead to low sperm motility, low sperm count, increased DNA damage within sperm, and even infertility. In women, a deficiency can negatively affect the endometrial lining and potential for conception. Additionally, a vitamin E deficiency can increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm birth. .

Needed for Assimilation

Take vitamin E and iron supplements at different times of the day. Inorganic forms of iron, like ferrous sulfate, can break down vitamin E.

Zinc is needed to maintain tocopherol level in the bloodÂ