Manganese What is it for?


Manganese: The Overlooked Essential

Manganese is often overlooked when it comes to essential minerals, but it actually plays a crucial role in many bodily processes. For one, it is necessary for proper bone development and maintenance, as well as wound healing. Manganese also helps regulate metabolism, which is important for healthy energy levels and weight management.

One reason why manganese is sometimes neglected is because it is often found in small amounts in many foods, making it easy to consume inadequate amounts. However, there are plenty of foods that are high in manganese, such as nuts, whole grains, and leafy vegetables.

It is important to make sure you are getting enough manganese in your diet, as deficiency can cause a variety of health problems. These can include bone and joint pain, changes in appetite and digestion, and even neurological issues.

Why is manganese is essential for our body?
Vitamin B3, Niacin, phosphates, phosphorus

Manganese helps to activate enzymes that are involved in metabolizing carbohydrates, amino acids, and cholesterol. It also plays a key role in the production of energy in the body by supporting the function of the mitochondria- the powerhouses of our cells.

Skeletal System

Essential for healthy bone growth and maintenance. It plays a vital role in the formation of healthy synovial fluid, which is essential for lubricating the joints and reducing friction during movement. Additionally, manganese is involved in the synthesis of bone, helping to ensure that bones remain strong and healthy as we age.

Vitamin B5, q10, coq10
Nervous System

It is involved in the production of neurotransmitters, which are vital for transmitting signals between nerve cells. Lack of manganese can disrupt the production of these vital chemicals leading to mood alterations, irritability, and even seizures.

food sources for choline

Research has shown that manganese plays a crucial role in the production of estrogen and progesterone, two hormones that are essential for a woman’s fertility and menstrual cycle. Additionally, manganese has been linked to improved sperm quality in men, suggesting that it’s necessary for both male and female reproductive health.

Vitamin B7, iron. cholesterol levels, high cholesterol, vitamin d, calciferol, potassium
Blood Sugar

Manganese helps regulate blood sugar by activating enzymes that break down glucose for energy. It also aids in insulin production and keeps insulin receptors on cells functioning properly for optimal response to insulin signals.

Mothers Milk

Also helps in the formation of mother’s milk. Low levels of manganese are connected to inadequacies in lactation.

Symptoms of maganese deficiency
q10, Vitamin B5, calciferol, vitamin d, tocopherol, vitamin k, potassium, phosphates
Heart Health

A deficiency can cause heart disorders including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, rapid pulse, and hypertension. As well as a deficiency can cause tachycardia and hypertension, both linked to heart disease. Manganese helps to relax blood vessels and regulate blood pressure.

Breast Health

Manganese deficiency can lead to sagging breasts, loss of shape, and increase in breast cancer risk due to low collagen levels and DNA damage.

Brain HEalth

Manganese deficiency causes neurological symptoms like tremors, poor balance, cognitive impairment; leads to brain malformation and damage to basal ganglia. Low levels result in an imbalance of neurotransmitters causing psychiatric disorders like anxiety, depression.

Vitamin A, Retinol,tocopherol

It can result in a range of vision problems, including night blindness, poor eye function, and even blindness.


Chronic exposure to toxic levels of manganese can cause serious health problems, including hearing loss and tinnitus. This is particularly true for workers in industrial settings who are exposed to high levels of manganese dust and fumes.


It is a relatively common condition that can lead to a range of health problems.
Studies have shown that a deficiency in manganese can lead to abnormalities in the jaw and teeth that may contribute to teeth grinding.

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