Food Sources For Copper

Mineral Copper, copper deficiency

Are You Copper Deficient? Understanding the Importance of Copper for Your Health

Copper is a mineral that is essential for many bodily functions, including the formation of red blood cells, maintaining healthy bones and connective tissues, and aiding in the absorption of iron. While copper is found in various foods, many people may not be getting enough of this vital nutrient.

One reason for this is that western diets tend to lack foods that are rich in copper, such as liver, oysters, nuts, and seeds. Additionally, certain factors such as consuming foods high in zinc, iron, or vitamin C can interfere with copper absorption.

Adequate copper intake is especially important for women who are pregnant or nursing, as well as those with certain medical conditions such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease. Symptoms of copper deficiency can include anemia, osteoporosis, and skin and hair problems.

It’s important to speak with a healthcare professional to determine the proper amount of copper needed for one’s individual needs. Adding copper-rich foods to one’s diet can help ensure a sufficient intake of this essential mineral.

The recommended daily intake of copper for adults is approximately 900 micrograms, with variations depending on age, gender, and specific health condition
Meat & Protein
Grass Fed Red Meat
Beef Liver

a  3.5 oz  serving provides 1,231% of the daily value for copper.

Beef Heart

A  serving of 3.5 oz provides 1081% of the daily value for copper.

Beef Kidney

3.5 oz serving provides 790% of the daily value

Lamb Liver

Just 3.5 oz of lamb liver  provides 667% of the daily value for copper.

Beef Tongue

 A 3.5 oz serving provides 200% of the daily value for copper.

Bison Or Buffalo Liver

Bison/buffalo liver – a 3.5 oz serving provides 196% of the daily value for copper.

Beef Chuck Roast

3.5 oz serving provides 61% of the daily value for copper.

Organic White Meat
Chicken Liver

Chicken liver is an excellent source of copper, providing up to 320% of the daily value per 3.25 oz.

Turkey Liver

Turkey Liver – Turkey liver contains approximately 150% of the daily value of copper per 3.5oz.


Chicken Breast

Chicken Breast – Chicken breast is not only a great source of lean protein but also contains copper. A 3.5 serving of chicken breast provides 5% of the daily value.


Turkey Breast

Turkey Breast – Turkey breast is a popular source of white meat that also provides copper. A 3.5oz serving of turkey breast contains approximately 3% of the daily value of copper.

Pork Tenderloin

Pork Tenderloin – While not as high in copper content as the options above, pork tenderloin still provides a good source of copper, with a 3.5oz serving giving around 7% of the daily value.

Fish and Seafood

A single serving of oysters (6 medium-sized ones) contains 1,950% daily value (DV) of copper.


 A 3-ounce serving of cooked mussels contains 390% DV of copper.


3-ounce serving of cooked blue crab contains 75% DV of copper.


One 3-ounce serving of cooked clams contains 90% DV of copper.


A 3-ounce serving of boiled lobster contains 35% DV of copper.

Grass Fed Dairy
Blue Cheese

A single ounce of blue cheese can provide about 27% of the daily value of copper.

Swiss Cheese

One ounce of Swiss cheese has about 10% of the daily value of copper.


A cup of plain yogurt has about 5% of the daily value of copper.


One cup of whole milk provides about 3% of the daily value of copper.

Beans and Legumes

One cup of cooked lentils contains about 18% of the recommended daily value of copper.

Lima Beans

A cooked cup of lima beans accounts for 22% of the DV.


3.5 oz of soybeans contain around 17% of the daily value 


One cup (164 grams) of cooked chickpeas delivers roughly 56% of the daily requirement for an adult.

Kidney beans

An excellent source of copper, with 25% of the daily value present in just one cup of boiled kidney beans.

A single cup of cooked navy beans contains around 25% of the recommended daily value.

Black Beans

One cup of cooked black beans contains around 44% of the daily recommended value for adults.

Pinto Beans

A serving of pinto beans (approximately ½ a cup) contains 8% of our daily recommended intake of copper.

vitamin b1, thiamine, choline, pyridoxine, calcium, copper, vitamin e, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, flavonoids, selenium, zinc
Nuts & Seeds
Brazil Nuts

Just one ounce of Brazil nuts contains around 95% of the daily  value 


Sunflower Seeds

One ounce of sunflower seeds has about 22% of the daily value.

Seasame Seeds

 One ounce of sesame seeds has approximately 20% of the daily  value 


 An ounce of cashews offers about 20% of the daily  value of copper.



 An ounce of almonds will provide around 15% of the daily recommended value

Pine Nuts

Pine nuts have around 13% of the day’s required  in an ounce.


1 ounce of hazelnuts offers about 12% of the daily  value.

Fruits, Roots & Leafy Greens
Leafy Greens
Swiss Chard

A one cup serving of Swiss chard contains approximately 3% of the daily value needed for a healthy adult.

Beet Greens
A cup of chopped beet greens (cooked, boiled, drained, without salt) contains only 4% of the daily value for copper.

A cup of kale contains approximately 10% of the daily intake for adults.


1 cup of raw spinach provides approximately 6% of the daily value for copper.

Collard Greens

A 1-cup serving of cooked collard greens contains approximately 10% of the daily value.

Mustard Greens

One cup serving of chopped mustard greens provides approximately 5% of the daily value.

Turnip Greens

1 cup of raw turnip greens provides approximately 6% of the daily value for adults.

Sweet Potatoes

One medium sweet potato provides around 20% of the daily value


Yams  provide around 15% of the daily value


One cup of chopped carrots provides around 10% of the daily value


A cup of chopped beets provides around 8% of the daily value


One cup of chopped turnips provides around 6% of the daily value. 

potassium, manganese, pyridoxine, magnesium, flavonoids, zinc
Organic Fruit

Approximately 10% of the daily value of copper in a serving size of 5 prunes.


One medium-sized mango provides approximately 4% of the daily value for copper.


A medium-sized kiwi, which typically around 69-76 grams, contains approximately 6% of the daily value for copper.


1/2 cup of pomegranate seeds provides approximately 4% of the recommended daily value of copper for adults


One medium-sized banana is equal to only around 5% of the recommended daily intake value of copper for an average adult. The amount of copper varies based on size of banana.


1/3 of a medium avocados provides about 8% of your daily value.


One cup serving of watermelon provides 2% of the recommended daily amount of copper intake.


Two dried dates contains about 10% of your daily value of copper.

Whole Grains & Mushrooms,
Shiitake Mushrooms

One cup of cooked Shiitake mushrooms contains 18% of the daily value

Morel Mushrooms

A cup of sliced morel mushrooms provides around 28% of the recommended daily value

Portobello Mushrooms

2/3 cup of raw Portobello mushrooms provide approximately 33% of the daily value of copper for adults. It’s important to note that cooking mushrooms can impact their nutrient content, so it’s best to consume them raw or lightly cooked to maximize their benefits.

Chanterelle Mushrooms

A serving of 2/3 cup of chanterelle mushrooms provides less than 5% of the daily value

Oyster Mushroom

One cup of raw oyster mushrooms provides about 15% of the daily value


Each serving provides approximately 12% of the daily value.

Whole Grains

A cup  serving of cooked quinoa contains about 20% of the daily value.


A cup  serving of cooked oats contains  roughly 15% of the daily value.


1 cup serving of cooked buckwheat contains about 15% of the daily value.

Brown Rice

A cup  serving of cooked brown rice contains  roughly 10% of the daily

Wild Rice

A cup  serving of cooked wild rice contains about 10% of the daily value.

Did you know?

Copper has antimicrobial properties and is used in hospital settings to reduce the spread of infections. Copper is the only metal that is naturally antibacterial.

The Statue of Liberty is made of copper and has turned green over time due to oxidation.

Chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green color, contains a copper ion at its center.