Calcium What is it for?

Autism, calcium, calcium excess, calcium deficiency

The Benefits of Calcium: A Vital Mineral for Strong Bones, Energy and Healthy Movement

Calcium is a crucial mineral for overall health, as it is vital for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. However, like most things in life, too much or a calcium deficiency can be harmful to the body. 

Calcium deficiency can lead to bone and teeth problems such as osteoporosis, brittle bones, and tooth decay. On the other hand, excess calcium can cause hypercalcemia, which can lead to kidney stones, abdominal pain, and other gastrointestinal issues. 

Overall, it’s important to maintain an appropriate and balanced intake of calcium, depending on age, gender, and lifestyle. While most people can obtain sufficient amounts through diet and supplements, it’s always best to speak to a healthcare provider and get regular check-ups to ensure optimal health.

Benefits of Calcium

Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin B12, cobalamin, copper, tocopherol

The process of blood clotting begins with the release of certain proteins called clotting factors, which work in conjunction with calcium ions to activate a series of chemical reactions in the blood. This leads to the formation of fibrin, a protein that forms a mesh-like structure to trap blood cells and prevent further bleeding. 

Vitamin B7, Vitamin B5 Vitamin b12, Sodium, calcium, niacin, cobalamin, tocopherol
Nerve Function

Nerve impulses are vital for the proper functioning of the body’s nervous system. Calcium ions, which are positively charged particles, are key players in the transmission of these impulses. When a nerve impulse reaches the end of a neuron, it triggers the release of calcium ions into the synapse, or the gap between the neurons. These calcium ions then bind to specific receptor sites on the receiving neuron, which allows the nerve impulse to be transmitted across the synapse.


One of the primary causes of osteoporosis is calcium deficiency. Our bodies need calcium to build and maintain strong bones, but many people don’t get enough calcium in their diets. This is especially true for women, who are at a higher risk for osteoporosis than men.

Calcium, Vitamin B1, vitamin b3, niacin
Heart Health

Calcium helps to maintain the integrity of blood vessels and regulate blood pressure by promoting the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels.

Vitmin B6, Vitamin B12, Calcium

Proteins are the building blocks of life in our bodies, and calcium plays a vital role in their development. It activates several enzymes responsible for catalyzing protein biosynthesis, which regulates cell growth and repair. It also plays a critical role in assisting with the synthesis of DNA and RNA, two essential components inside every cell in our bodies. DNA and RNA are responsible for encoding, transmitting, and expressing genetic information.

Calcium Deficiency

Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Thiamine, Vitamin B1, Calcium

Calcium deficiency can lead to a lack of melatonin production, causing difficulty in falling and staying asleep. Additionally, calcium deficiency can lead to restlessness, muscle tension, and anxiety that also contributes to insomnia.

Brain Drain

Excessive intake of calcium can harm the brain. High calcium in the blood may result in deposits that block veins and arteries, and cognitive impairment like memory loss. Excess calcium can disrupt normal neuron firing causing convulsions, delusions, and hyperactivity. While these symptoms are rare, they can be severe. It’s essential to consult a doctor or a registered dietitian to determine the optimal amount of calcium for your individual needs to avoid its negative effects.

niacin, vitamin b2, vitamin b3, vitamin c, ascorbic acid, calcium deficiency, iodine
Blood Complexion

Calcium is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy skin. A lack of calcium in your diet can result in a pasty complexion and eczema. Eczema is a common skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and flaky skin. It is often caused by an imbalance in the immune system. Calcium plays a critical role in regulating the immune system and is necessary for the proper function of white blood cells.If you are experiencing eczema or a pasty complexion, it is important to evaluate your diet and ensure you are getting enough calcium.

calcium, blood pressure
Blood Pressure

When your body is has a calcium deficiency, it can cause an increase in blood pressure. This happens because calcium plays an important role in regulating the constriction and dilation of blood vessels. Without enough calcium, blood vessels can become more constricted, leading to higher blood pressure.

calcium, calcium deficiency, low red blood cells
Nail Changes

One of the most common signs of a calcium deficiency is brittle nails. Nails are made up of a protein called keratin, and calcium is an important component that helps to keep the nails strong and healthy. When the body is deficient in calcium, it can cause the nails to become thin, brittle, and prone to breaking and splitting. In severe cases, the nails may even develop ridges or become discolored.

calcium, vitamin b5, vitamin b12, cobalamin, calcium deficiency

Calcium is essential in the brain to transmit signals and activates mood-regulating neurotransmitters. A deficiency reduces the brain’s ability to handle stress and regulate mood. Taking calcium supplements can help with depressive symptoms, but experts suggest getting calcium from dairy, fortified orange juice, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Iron, calcium, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, calcium deficiency
Upset Stomach

When our bodies don’t get enough calcium, they release a hormone called parathyroid hormone, which can cause the stomach lining to produce excess acid, leading to heartburn and indigestion. This increased acidity can also lead to ulcers or gastritis.

ascorbic acid, vitamin c, calcium, vitamin b1, Thiamine, vitamin c
Numbness & tingling

If you don’t consume enough calcium, nerve transmission can be disrupted, which can lead to several health problems, including muscle cramps and spasms, numbness and tingling sensations, and even seizures. Therefore, it’s crucial to consume enough calcium in your diet to support proper nerve function and overall bodily health. Some excellent dietary sources of calcium include dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and fortified foods like cereals and orange juice.

calcium, calcium deficiency ,

Rickets is a disease that affects children who don’t get enough vitamin D, which is essential in the absorption of calcium. The disease can weaken bones, cause deformities, and delay growth. Rickets is preventable and treatable, but it must be taken seriously.



Amino Acid Lysine is needed to absorb calcium. Check food sources for lysine here.


Calcium and iron compete with each other for absorption in the body. When taken together, they can block each other’s absorption and decrease the overall effectiveness of the supplements. This can lead to deficiencies in both nutrients, which can have harmful effects on the body.
If you need to take both calcium and iron supplements, it is recommended to separate the timings. Doctors advise spacing these two supplements at least two hours to four hours apart, so that they don’t interfere with each other’s absorption.

When we consume large amounts of calcium, our bodies may not be able to absorb enough zinc, which can lead to zinc deficiencies. Similarly, consuming too much zinc can interfere with the absorption of calcium and contribute to calcium deficiencies. 
While both minerals are necessary, balancing intake is key to prevent interference with absorption. By doing this, we can ensure that our body is getting the nutrients it needs to function properly.